But(t), its really cold up here!!

Lonnie demonstrates the correct way to dress in layers.

.... and it's a good thing, too because it was really, really cold this morning.  But the powder was worth it, 9" by some accounts.  We had a couple of bumps and bruises, but none serious.  If  you haven't gotten a call, it isn't your kid.
Most of all, just a bunch of really, really good kids having a great time - and eating a lot of chocolate.
and ramen noodles
and beef jerky
and Lay's sour cream and onion potato chips
and sour gummy worms
and pop tarts
and pizza
and cake
and someone took a bite out of an apple.


Pip pip!! We're off.

I'm pretty sure the North Korean government will consider thes SVUMYF ski trip to be an act of war.  No problem, we have nukes, too.

   Stay tuned for developments.

 - :o/  lsa - <><


A Little Snow... a Little Sun... a little time at the pool...... Ahhhhhh.....

Near perfect day at Crested Butte.  Very few lift lines, awesome snow last night and this morning, sunny after lunch, and the hot tub and pool were perfect!!  No injuries.

The only problem is the paparazzi:

All is well.  Best regards, ><> lsa.


SwTx worship conference

Hi all - greetings from Boerne (pronounced Bernie (but he's not here)).  We arrived safe (not so dry, though) and sound (loud, actually) in Boerne.  I understand there are 300 or more here and we were lead in worship by the Mark Swaze Band with a message by Ryan Barnett.  Great start to a new chapter for choir rally.  Classes today.  I will let you know if anyone is "discovered" by a major record label.

><> lsa